This listing is for (1) 3" x 3" circular vinyl sticker featuring the 2024 Merry Crisis Krampus designed by Goblin Puppy Studios. There are two color ways to choose from: red/green + red/grey/purple. The Krampus is red on both stickers.
❆ History of Krampus:
A mythical creature that dates back to pre-Germanic paganism in the Central European Alpine region, Krampus is half-goat, half-demon. His name “Krampus”, is derived from the German word “krampen”, which means “claw”. Tradition has it that he is the son of the Norse god of the underworld, Hel.
Krampus’ traditional role has been to punish children who misbehave, while Saint Nicholas rewards the well behaved. Krampusnacht (Krampus Night) falls on December 5th (the evening before the Feast of St Nicholas on Dec 6th), when Krampus visits homes and businesses to give misbehaving children coal and “Ruten” birch branch bundles.
In the 12th century, the Catholic Church attempted to banish Krampus due to his resemblance to the devil, forbidding any celebrations of the figure. The fascists of the World War II era tried to eradicate Krampus as well, claiming that he was the product of Social Democrats. But alas, beloved Krampus prevailed - and has found more widespread international popularity in recent years.
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